The following Sitemap errors and warning messages are shown for my sitemap (atom.xml) in the Google WebMaster Tools , when using Blogger feeds with FeedBurner.
Even though you are submitting blogger made 'atom.xml' sitemap file to Google Webmaster Tools, its returning you with invalid XML warning message. Its because, you are using feedburner service to redirect your 'atom.xml' feed to feedburner feed.
To fix this problem, delete the existing sitemap and submit new modified atom feed sitemap url as below
Replace letter in red with your blog url
From this hack your blog Feeds will still be redirected to FeedBurner but for 'Google webmaster Tools' submitted Sitemaps, the redirection won't happen.
Submitting Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
# Go to Google Webmaster Tools Dashboard >> Sitemaps
# Enter your modified atom feed as shown in below fig. and submit it...
Here's is the new submitted sitemap with no errors and warnings. You can see the changes in feed format from RSS Feed to Atom Feed.
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